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Writer Guidelines

The Dirt Doctor’s DIRT and are dedicated to informing and educating the public on all aspects of organic gardening and living. The newsletter and website have a positive and encouraging attitude toward readers. All submitted articles should reflect this attitude.

Queries should always precede submission of a manuscript and must be sent in writing. Queries must be detailed and include proposed sources for the article, material to be covered and the suggested month for which the article would be best suited. All written queries may be submitted to the editor via e-mail, facsimile or regular mail. Queries submitted by mail should include a self-addressed, stamped envelope. 

E-mail queries and submissions to: 

Disks, hard copies of manuscripts and photos should be sent to:

Jenny Timberlake Bellamy
The Dirt Doctor’s  DIRT
P.O. Box 140650
Dallas, TX 75214
FAX: (214)

Story Confirmation:
When a story idea is accepted, the writer will receive confirmation in the form of e-mail or via telephone. Confirmation is usually given within 30-days of receipt of the query. By accepting an assignment, we make no commitment to a specific publishing date.

Accepted manuscripts must be received at least 6-weeks in advance of the publication month. For example, if a manuscript is scheduled to be published in the December issue, it must be received by October 15th. All accompanying photos must be received at least 5-weeks in advance.   

For manuscripts submitted by e-mail, a file attached as a Microsoft Word document is preferred. Hard copies, typed and double-spaced, may follow via facsimile or regular mail. Microsoft word files contained on a disc should be sent via regular mail, and must be recieved by the appropriate deadline. The author's name, mailing address, telephone number and e-mail address should appear on the manuscript. The author should retain original copies of manuscripts and photography. Unsolicited manuscripts or photography will not be returned.

Suggested length:
500-1000 words for newsletter features. Any length article will be considered for either the newlsetter or the website.

Photo prints should be sent via regular mail.  Digital images should be sent via e-mail or via regular mail on a CD. The photographer should retain original copies of any photography submitted. Unsolicited photography will not be returned.

We consult with the author about editorial changes whenever possible. However, it is ultimately the editor's decision as to the content of the article and how it reflects the newsletter style overall. The editor also reserves the right to edit for length and inappropriate content. Every assignment assumes revision or rewrite by the writer at the discretion of the editor.  We expect the author to make every effort to fully examine their manuscript for proper spelling and grammar prior to submission.

The DIRT newsletter reserves all rights including electronic.  We reserve the right to re-publish submissions  Agreements for the author to republish work in another publication should be made first with the editor.

Bylines/Biographical information
All published work will include a byline of the author. Photo credit will also be assigned. Along with your submission, provide us with your biographical information that we will edit and include with your article. If you are a professional or businessperson and would like response from the articles to come directly to you, be sure to list your email address, telephone numbers you wish to be used and any other information for your final paragraph

We do not offer payment at this time, however, we do offer a large devoted readership via our newsletter and website. If submissions are used in the newsletter you will receive several free copies of the issue.

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