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X-0 Odor Neutralizer Newsletter


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X-0 Odor Neutralizer


Couple of weeks ago on the radio show, Tropical John and I were talking about some really bad odor problems that we had both eliminated with the product X-O Odor Neutralizer. What has dawned on me since, because of the heavy response of questions, is that many people are not familiar with this product. 

Products for pest control, lawn and garden care are available in independent garden retailers that stock organic products. 
I have used it on odor problems from the smelliest trash cans in the world to the sweat soaked leather upholstery in my car. We recommend you give it a try.

X-O is the natural choice for freshness

Naturally yours,
Howard Garrett

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Dirt Doctor, Inc.  P.O. Box 140650  Dallas, TX  75214
Copyright(c) 2010

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