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Daisy - Oxeye


DAISY, OXEYE                                                               Perennial – Sun

Chrysanthemum leucanthemum                                        Ht. 12”-36” Spread 18”-36”

kruh-SAN-thuh-mum loo-KAN-thuh-mum                            Spacing 12”-18”

HABIT:                  Large showy flowers that are great for cutting from early June to August. Returns very well each year. Cut flowers have a bad odor. This plant is similar to Shasta Daisy but tougher and more drought tolerant. Dwarf Shasta Daisy is also a good choice and ‘Silver Princess’ is a particularly good one. Tahoka Daisy is a Texas native that blooms all summer with blue flowers. Lazy Daisy is a low growing annual.

CULTURE:            Easy, any well drained soil. Low water and fertilizer requirements. Established plants should be divided every few years.

USES:                  Summer flowers, perennial gardens.

PROBLEMS:        None serious.

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