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Hybrid Car Guide

Green Vehicle Guide

Every year millions of tons of fossil fuels are burned by power plants to make electricity, and it seems that these heavy polluters are always making headlines in the news. Add a few more million to this estimate and you’ll also get the amount of fossil fuels that are produced by cars each year.

In a study conducted by Duke University over 97 million billion pounds of carbon dioxide was released into the air from fossil fuels in just one year.

If you consider this impact on your carbon footprint, which is the amount of deadly greenhouse gases produced by human activity and measured in units of carbon dioxide, that’s an overwhelmingly large contribution to the problem of global warming.

Even though driving a car is a necessity to society, it also produces harmful air pollutants that can pose as health risks to humans and as dangers to the land’s natural resources.

The average vehicle burns about 98 tons of fossil fuels to every gallon of gas. And since fossil fuels are non-renewable, they can’t be regenerated fast enough to keep up with human consumption.

So how can you cut down on this serious problem and minimize your carbon footprint? The solution is the green vehicle. Green vehicles cut down on the fossil fuels that are burned for every mile the car drives, but each green technology has its own set of pros and cons.

What is a green vehicle?

A green vehicle is a vehicle that uses alternative fuel sources to run.

How is a green car different from a regular car?

A regular car uses petroleum fuel to run a car. Petroleum fuel is also known as a fossil fuel. Fossil fuels are non-renewable energy sources that release harmful greenhouse gases in the air. A green car uses alternative fuel sources, such as biodiesel fuel, solar energy or rechargeable battery electricity, to run the car.

What are the different types of green cars?

There are four popular types of green cars:

  1. Hybrid – Features a gas engine with an electric motor.
  2. Electric – Uses an electric-powered motor and a battery to operate.
  3. Hydrogen – Burns hydrogen to fuel the motor.
  4. Biodiesel – Uses biodegradable biodiesel fuel to power the car.
  5. Fuel Cell – Generates electricity by forming a chemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen.

What are the benefits of using a green vehicle?

There are many benefits of using a green vehicle. Here are just a few:

  • Decreases greenhouse gases and other air pollutants released into the environment
  • Cheaper to run and maintain than traditional cars
  • U.S. doesn’t have to rely on expensive oil imports from other countries
  • Creates less smog in the air
  • Reduces the risk of such health problems as heart disease and lung cancer
  • Provides renewable energy sources for electricity
  • Does not contribute to acid rain
  • Not as threatening to natural habitants and wildlife
  • Reduces global warming

Green vehicles are considered the “wave of the future” because they are changing the way that consumers contribute to the sustainability of the environment. As more cars go green, society will be able to maintain a healthy quality of life that will have a positive impact on future generations.

Hybrid Car

Hybrids combine a gas motor with an electric engine that can recharge on its own, offering a great way to extend the miles per gallon of gas your car uses to travel further distances. The best thing about them is that they are so similar to traditional cars that they don’t require you to change your everyday behaviors and activities.

Click here to learn more about the Hybrid Car

Electric Car

An electric car is a zero-emissions vehicle (ZEV) that produces no harmful fuel emissions because it relies purely on electricity from batteries to run. They are cheaper to maintain because they have fewer moving parts and they can be recharged at your convenience.

Click here to learn more about the Electric Car

Hydrogen Car

Hydrogen is one of the most abundant elements in the world, so using it as a fuel source is an efficient way to save money and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Hydrogen-powered cars convert the chemical energy of hydrogen into mechanical energy that can be used to power a motor or engine.

Click here to learn more about the Hydrogen Car

Biodiesel Car

Biodiesel cars use fuel made from vegetables such as corn and soybeans, or from animal fat, to replace regular gasoline. These alternative fuel sources are renewable and release significantly less greenhouse gases into the air.

Click here to learn more about the Biodiesel Car

Fuel Cell Car

Fuel cell cars use a battery to convert hydrogen and oxygen chemicals into electricity, and they can last as long as the energy continues to flow. They help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 70-80 percent and they can use both renewable resources and natural gas.

Click here to learn more about the Fuel Cell Car

Ride Share

Ride sharing is an alternative to traveling alone. It allows you to ride with others by carpooling, using public transportation, walking or biking. You not only save gas money, but you also reduce your car’s carbon dioxide emissions.

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