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Locust - Borer




Common Name: Chevron Bug, Locust Borer

Scientific Name: Order Coleoptera, family Cerambycidae, Megacyllene robiniae

Size: Adult--up to 3/4"

Identification: Velvety black with golden yellow chevron bars over whole body.

Biology and Life Cycle: Females cut pits deep into bark and deposit one egg in each pit. Larvae hatch, feed, and pupate under the bark. One generation per year; adults emerge in late summer.

Habitat: Black locust trees and other locust and soft-wooded trees.

Fedding Habits: Adults feed on pollen and nectar of goldenrod flowers and a few other similar plants. Larvae feed on both sapwood and heartwood of locust trees.

Economic Importance: Damaging to locust trees in pure stands.

Natural Control: Ichneumon wasps parasitize the larvae.

Organic Control: Healthy, fast-growing trees are bothered less. Heavy mulch over tree root zone has proven to be an effective repellent. These pests seem to be less damaging when locust trees are interplanted with other trees.

Insight: Adults are very visible and attractive because of their stripe design.


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