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Pumpkin Pie with Gluten Free Coconut Crust

If you eat pumpkins and all their winter squash cousins during the fall, you will be eating representatives of the fall vegetable family. Most of these gourds are orange and contain lots of beta carotene. This nutrient helps protect your lungs and will keep you well during a time when you might typically get a respiratory condition. Also, the seeds inside are a rich source of beneficial fats and protein and are said to have anti-parasitic properties. Don't throw these jems away; remove them from the inner flesh, wash, toss with a little salt and roast till crispy. Winter squash such as pumpkins, delicatta, butternut, gold table, kabocha and more are some of my favorite foods. I regularly consume them during the cold weather months. My preferred method of preparation is simply to roast them in the oven till tender. Cut in half, scoop out the seeds and top with butter, nutmeg and a little salt. Squash with some winter greens and homemade broth - mmmmmm, you can't get much better!

This recipe is a slightly different twist on the traditional Pumpkin Pie. I get so many requests for gluten free recipes these days, so here is one that is easy to make and will allow you to still enjoy this delicious holiday favorite. There is also an option to make it dairy free as well. Enjoy! And Happy Thanksgiving!


1 recipe coconut crust (see recipe below) 

1 15-ounce can pumpkin purée or about 2 cups fresh baked squash puree (you can use any kind of winter squash if you want to try something different than pumpkin)

2 free range, pastured eggs 

3/4 cup Rapadura, sucanat or organic, unrefined cane sugar

2 teaspoons pumpkin pie spice 

1/4 teaspoon sea salt 

grated rind of 1 lemon 

1 cup organic Sour Cream (Optional: If you are lactose intolerant, try substituting coconut cream instead of sour cream)


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Cream eggs with sugar. Gradually blend in other ingredients. Pour into prebaked coconut crust pie shell and bake at 350 degrees for 35 to 45 minutes.



2 cups desiccated or shredded, dried coconut

1/4 cup Rapadura, Sucanat or maple sugar

1/2 cup coconut oil


Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Mix all ingredients together and transfer to a 9 inch pie pan and press firmly and evenly against sides and bottom. Bake for 30 minutes or until crust is a dark golden color. Allow to cool to room temperature.

Source: Amanda Love, "The Barefoot Cook"


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