My neighbor and I have a pair of adjacent houses with about 10,000 square feet of Bermuda grass lawn and landscape including front and back. This spring, so far we have applied a gallon of Garrett juice, 40 lbs/1000 sqft lava sand and a 40 lbs bag of corn gluten meal around March 15, then 2 bags of Texas green sand and another 40 lbs bag of corn gluten meal around April 21.
This weekend, I noticed a LOT of small, leafy, almost grass-like weeds (with tiny purple blossoms at the tops) have started to grow, very intermingled with the grass. They are quite green and not too bad looking yet. I harvested about a bucketful within a small area and realized they would be too much to pull off the entire lawn.
Attaching some pictures. I would like to identify them and do whatever is appropriate to take care of them.
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weed2.jpg [ 233.79 KiB | Viewed 27771 times ]

weed1.jpg [ 150.58 KiB | Viewed 27771 times ]