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Asian Ladybug
Asian ladybug - Harmonia axyridis is native to China, Russia, Korea and Japan, but has been here some time being imported in the 60’s to help with aphid control on crops. This import is often a little too friendly being attracted to illuminated areas and light colored walls indoors. They come in mostly in the fall and early winter obviously enjoying the warmth. Some have solid colors that range from bright red to soft yellows and even light tans. If they bother you indoors, vacuum them up or scoop them with a stiff piece of paper and toss outside. They are greatly helpful in controlling pest insects.
It is said that they will eat and damage fruit occasionally, but I’ve only seen them in holes pecked by birds. Non-killing organic repellents work well if there are too many on your food crops. They do smell bad if smashed, so don’t do that. Our native ladybeetles smell bad too. Also taste bad. Don’t believe me? Lick you finger, touch a native ladybug and the taste your finger. The bad taste is a defensive mechanism that all lady beetles have that helps deter predators.
This concern about the ladybugs being pests is probably related to new pesticides on the market that are labeled specifically for the control of Asian lady beetles.
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