Bed Preparation
The Key To Successful Gardening is Excellent Bed Preparation
Don't remove native soil unless drainage problems are caused by the raised beds. Existing native soil is an important part of the bed preparation mix.
Don't use peat moss, pine bark or washed concrete sand. These products are problematic, especially when compared to the natural organic choices.
Don't till wet soil. Tilling, forking or digging holes in wet soil does damage by squeezing the soil particles together, causing glazing and eliminating the air spaces needed for healthy soil life.
Don't spray toxic herbicides. Spraying toxic herbicides anytime is a bad idea, but in the winter, it’s really stupid because it can’t kill dormant grasses and weeds.
Successful Gardening is Dependent on Excellent Bed Preparation
Azalea bed prep. Mix 50% shredded hardwood bark, cedar or shredded coconut fiber with 50% finished compost. Add a 5 gallon bucket of lava sand and a 1 gallon bucket of greensand per cubic yard of mix. Thoroughly moisten the mixture prior to placing it in the bed - very important. Excavate 3” and place 15” of the above mix onto the beds. The entire mixture can be put above ground if it doesn’t block drainage. If it needs to be lowered, remove as little of the existing soil as possible. The top of the bed should be flat and the sides sloped at a 45 degree angle.
QUESTION: I wish to remove all Bermuda grass with sod cutter. How do I kill al remaining grass roots, to prep for flower garden.
ANSWER: Roots of the grass do not have to be removed. Only the stems, rhizomes and stolons have reproductive ability. Do not till first, that drives the reproductive pieces into the ground and causes a long term weed problem. Scrap or set the sod cutter t depth of 1/2 to 2" and throw that material in the compost pile. Mixed with leaves and other materials the grass will be ill by the composting process. Next mix in all the organic amendments. Here's the detailed description of that from the web site.
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