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Bradford Pear Demise Newsletter





Every spring we get suckered in. Bradford pears are indeed beautiful. The spring flower display and fragrance is delightful. Then we get impressed again in the fall when the autumn color does its performance. It’s the time in between when the problems show their ugly faces. These ornamental pears have a built in weaknesses. They are susceptible to root diseases, especially when planted too deep in the ground and fertilized with synthetic fertilizers.

The fall color is usually good, sometimes great. The problem is that the tree has some very serious built in problems.

How should it be used? Consider it a big, short lived perennial and enjoy the color while it lasts. To get the most out of any existing Bradford pears you might have, apply the Sick Tree Treatment with the first step being root flare exposure. That’s because almost all ornament pears have been planted too deep in the ground.
Better flowering tree choices to consider include Mexican plum, Mexican buckeye, redbud, dogwood, and crabapple.

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Naturally yours,

Howard Garrett
The Dirt Doctor


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