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Crazy Water

Natural Mineral water with 11 natural minerals. Natural sports drink which helps aide in rehydration and recovery. High level of natural minerals which are more readily absorbed by your body. Find in retail stores. Home delivery.

History of Crazy Water

The waters of Mineral Wells, TX have been making folks feel good inside and out since 1881. The legend goes like this: In late 1881, a woman who suffered from dementia would sit by the well all day drinking the mineral water. People slowly began to notice that the crazy old lady was not so crazy anymore. Had the water from the well alleviated the lady’s “crazies”? The well became known as the “Crazy Well” and thousands of people from all over the country flocked to this magical well, including a man named Ed Dismuke. Mr. Dismuke was told by his doctor that there was no remedy for his ailing stomach. But Mr. Dismuke began drinking the magical water and before he knew it, he was restored to health. In 1904, Mr. Dismuke founded the Famous Mineral Water Company, selling and distributing the mineral water. Now, more than 100 years later, people are still drinking Crazy Water.

Benefits of Crazy Water

Alkalinity – At

  • Neutralizes acid in the human body
  • Provides free oxygen to tissue
  • Essential for vitality and a healthy life
Sodium Bicarbonate – NaHCO3C
  • Helps delay the onset of fatigue
  • Helps in maintaining the body’s pH balance
  • Assists in neutralizing lactic acid generated by physical activity
Calcium – Ca++
  • Helps stabilize bone structure, teeth and cell membranes
  • Helps prevent blood clotting
Chloride – CI-
  • Needed for metabolism (the process of turning food into energy)
  • Helps keep the body’s acid-base in balance
Fluoride – F-
  • Prevents tooth decay and promotes oral hygiene
Magnesium – Mg++
  • Found in almost all human cells
  • Helps strengthen bone structure
  • Helps expand blood vessels
Manganese – Mn
  • Helps in preserving bone density
  • Helps breaks down fats, carbohydrates and proteins
  • Aides in stabilizing free radicals, which may damage the body
Potassium – K+
  • Aides in the growth of new cells
  • Helps regulate pressure of water between cells and makes sure each cell gets enough food
Silica – SiO2
  • Essential mineral building block and one of the body’s greatest energizing nutrients
  • Strengthens hair and nails
Sulfate – SO4
  • Aides the liver in detoxification and helps in digestion by stimulating the gall bladder
  • Acts as laxative in high doses
Zinc – Zn
  • Strengthens the immune system and improves white blood count
  • Aides the body’s absorption of minerals
  • Improves the health of skin and hair

Crazy Water
209 N. W. 6th Street
Mineral Wells, TX 76067
(​940) 325-8870 



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