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Dutchman's Pipe


Also called Calico Flower, Elegant Dutchman's Pipevine, Pelican Flower

Aristolochia macrophylla, Aristolochia elegans, A. littoralis
Family: Aristolochiaceae

HABIT:  Deciduous, woody, climbing vine. 3" wide, widely flaring flowers are creamy white marked with an abundance of maroon. The typical Dutchman's Pipe shaped flowers have a dark burgundy eye with a creamy yellow throat. The Calico Flower is an easily grown, twining, generally evergreen tropical vine whose unusual summer flowers are sure to attract attention. Height: 15.00 to 30.00 feet or more. Spread: 15 to 20 feet. Bloom time: May to June. Although the flowers make interesting conversation pieces, they are usually hidden by the dense foliage and are somewhat inconspicuous.

CULTURE:  Native Range: Eastern United States (Appalachians). Zone: 4 to 8. Full sun to part shade. Water: Medium. Maintenance: Low. Easily grown in average, medium, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Prefers rich, moist soil. Intolerant of dry soils. Cut back in late winter to control growth. Grows well from seed. No serious insect or disease problems.
USES:  Vine cover for sun porches, verandas, pillars, posts, trellises, arbors, fences or walls and is capable of creating a deep shade.

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