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Frost Damage on Warm Season Turf Newsletter

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 Frost Damage on Warm Season Turf


Here’s a common question that has come again this fall. What’s wrong with my turf? Is this a disease?




The answer is frost damage. This is an interesting example because it has such a curious design. Bermudagrass, especially tiff, will have this appearance after the early frosts that hit when the turf is still green. Warm-season grasses in general don’t like low temperatures. Some will show off color because of chilling stress that might start at 54-60 degrees F. Early chilling damage can appear as a general tan color or this blotchy mottling of the turf.


It’s nothing to worry about. It’s getting cold and this is normal and non-damaging. I’ve seen this manifest in organic as well as synthetically maintained lawns.


If you have any questions on this newsletter or any other topic, tune in Sunday 8am -11am (CT) to the Dirt Doctor Radio Show. The phone number for the show is 1-866-444-3478.



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Naturally yours, 
Howard Garrett

Join the Organic Club of America.


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Dirt Doctor, Inc. P.O. Box 140650 Dallas, TX 75214
Copyright(c) 2012

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