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Fungi Mycorrhizal

Dirt Doctor Weekly Newsletter  -- Organic Research

One of the main arguments that the organic critics continue to try to make is that there is no research backing up the recommendations we make.  Of course, there is a wealth of research that begins with  Dr. T. L. Senn at Clemson University.  His studies dealt primarily with seaweed.  His information and covered works with seaweed and more is covered in the Research Section of my website. 


                      Dr. Mike in the lab.
     In addition, there are more than 60,000 research papers on mycorrhizal fungi alone.  Dr. Michael Amaranthus brought that up on my radio show this past Sunday.  To hear the interview with Dr. Mike on Mycorrhizal Applications click here.    

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   Photo of mycorrhizal covered tips of a pine tree
root with mycorrhizal threads attached.

 Pansies on the right are treated with 
mycorrhizal  inoculant.






Most weeds including nut sedge do not form mycorrhizae. 



any weeds come in following disturbance which knocks out the mycorrhizal fungi and allows the non mycorrhizal plants to out compete the mycorrhizal plants. many of our farmers have seen a dramatic reduction in weeds once they got their biology established back on the farm. weeds have difficulty competing with the mycorrhizal plants when mycorrhizae are present. 

Some products on the market contain only one species of ectomycorrhizal fungi and no endomycorrhizal fungi at all.  The one species in some products is Pisolithus tinctorius and it doesn’t do well in alkaline soils.  In addition, Dr. Amaranthus has discovered a way to put the various species in dormancy in dry and liquid products.  These propagules only become active when they come in contact with the exudates of roots.

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