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Ginkgo Update Newsletter

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Today's newsletter is an update on my very unique ginkgo. The story of the tree is that it was planted as a small 8 foot tall tree in 1985 when Logan (my daughter and radio announcer) was born. It has outgrown any other ginkgo I've even seen. Logan is 30 now, so the tree is probably 32 or 33. Enjoy the video and the links to past info on the tree. Other ginkgoes in Dallas are shown at the end of the website entry. They are much older than my tree.


Click Here to see more Ginkgo photos, videos, and information in the Organic Library


To discuss this newsletter or any other topic, tune in each Sunday 8am - 11am central time to the Dirt Doctor Radio Show.The call-in phone number is 1-866-444-3478. Listen on the internet or click here to find a station in your area.


Please share this newsletter with everyone in your address book and all your friends on Facebook and Twitter to help me spread the word on organics.


Naturally yours,

Howard Garrett

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