Glyphosate - Where is Glyphosate Banned?
Tucson, Arizona – Created an organics-first policy for controlling weeds on city property.
Arcata, California – Initiated a pesticide reduction plan that urges pesticides to only be used as a last resort.
Belvedere, California – Passed municipal ordinance initiating Integrated Pest Management program that restricts toxic pesticide use and urges pesticide use as last resort.
Benicia, California – City decided to go glyphosate-free.
Berkeley, California – Implemented pest management program to minimize or eliminate the use of pesticides.
Burbank, California – City Council members voted to discontinue the use of Roundup in city parks for one year, and Burbank Unified School District will no longer use the herbicide due to cancer concerns.
Cambria, California – North Coast school board trustees formally proposed a ban on glyphosate for all school properties.
Carlsbad, California – The City Council voted unanimously to adopt a policy that makes organic pesticides the preferred method for killing weeds. “Asked to choose between aesthetics and public health…I’m going to choose public health every time,” said Councilwoman Cori Schumacher.
Corte Madera, California – Passed ordinance calling for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program restricting highly toxic pesticides, while also urging for pesticide use to be a last resort.
Costa Mesa, California – City council adopted an organics-first Integrated Pest Management (IPM) policy.
Davis, California – Passed ordinance implementing Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program designed to reduce the use of pesticides. Some city parks do not allow the use of glyphosate.
Encinitas, California – Banned the use of Roundup and other glyphosate-based weed killers in city parks.
Fairfax, California – Passed municipal ordinance restricting use of toxic pesticides on public property in favor of alternative methods.
Fresno, California – After hearing from concerned parents and employees, Fresno Unified School District is investigating the use of alternative herbicides that do not contain glyphosate, citing health risks.
Greenfield, California – Adopted a resolution to “halt all use of the carcinogenic weed killer Roundup and replace it with ‘greener’ alternatives.”
Irvine, California – City Council passed resolution to cease spraying Roundup and other chemicals on public parks, streets and playgrounds.
Laguna Hills, California – Passed a resolution to test an organics-only pesticide program on two parks.
Lodi, California –The city decided to ban the use of Roundup within 25 feet of playgrounds.
Long Beach, California – Long Beach Parks & Recreation Director Gerardo Mouet announced an immediate halt on the spraying of Roundup in Long Beach Parks.
Los Angeles County, California – The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors issued a moratorium on glyphosate-based herbicides, including Roundup weed killer.
Malibu, California – The city may implement an Earth Friendly Management Policy (EFMP) to avoid the use of pesticides and other chemicals.
Marin County, California – The county stopped using glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer, on all county-maintained parks, landscaping, playgrounds, walkways and parking areas.
Mill Valley, California – Passed ordinance initiating Integrated Pest Management program that restricts toxic pesticide use and urges pesticide use as last resort.
Morgan Hill, California – Instituted a pilot program at a city park to assess the possibility of eliminating the use of herbicides.
Napa, California – A policy announced in March of 2019 banned glyphosate use on city property, completing a phase-out campaign that started three years ago.
Novato, California – Novato Mayor Josh Fryday said the city will no longer use Roundup weed killer.
Oakland, California – Passed ordinance initiating Integrated Pest Management program that restricts toxic pesticide use and promotes pesticide use as last resort. On Sept. 1, 2018, the city formally halted the use of Roundup. Alameda County is reviewing its chemical spraying practices.
Orange County, California – OC Parks banned the use of glyphosate on and around playgrounds, picnic shelters, trails and campgrounds. However, glyphosate remains in use on off-trail invasive weeds.
Oxnard, California – The Oxnard School District board voted to ban Roundup use on campuses.
Palo Alto, California – Pest management program calls for Integrated Pest Management that restricts pesticide use in favor of less harmful methods.
Petaluma, California – City officials are considering a ban on glyphosate for use in public parks.
Richmond, California – Issued an ordinance to ban the use of glyphosate for all weed abatement activities conducted by the city.
San Anselmo, California – Passed city resolution promoting an Integrated Pest Management program restricting the use of toxic pesticides. The program only allows pesticide use as a last resort.
San Francisco, California – Restricts the use of toxic pesticides on public property in favor of alternative, organic methods.
San Juan Capistrano, California – Implemented an organics-first policy to control weeds in city parks and open spaces.
San Lorenzo Valley, California – The San Lorenzo Valley Water District voted 4-1 for a permanent ban of glyphosate pesticide use by the district.
Santa Rosa, California – Banned the use of Roundup at city parks.
Sonoma, California – Banned glyphosate use on all city-owned property.
Thousand Oaks, California – City instituted a ban on glyphosate use on public golf courses.
Watsonville, California – City council voted unanimously to ban Roundup use on city property.
Woodland, California – Woodland Joint Unified School District suspended the use of Roundup on school campuses.
Boulder, Colorado – Banned Roundup for use on city parks.
Durango, Colorado – Instituted an Organically Managed Lands program to minimize the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
Middletown, Connecticut – Passed ordinance banning toxic pesticides and herbicides on municipally-owned fields, parks and other property.
A growing number of Connecticut towns, including Branford, Cheshire, Granby, Essex, Greenwich, Manchester, Oxford, Pine Grove, Plainville, Roxbury, Watertown, and Woodbridge have adopted bans or restrictions on glyphosate use. The state also has Public Act 09-56 to eliminate the use pesticides in K-8 schools.
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission ceased using aquatic herbicides, glyphosate chief among them, anywhere in state waters, while the agency gathers public input.
Fort Myers Beach, Florida – The city has decided to ban Roundup.
Key West, Florida – Key West City Commission banned the use of Roundup on city-owned property.
Martin County, Florida – The local government instituted a Roundup ban that applies to all county employees and contractors working on county projects.
Miami, Florida – Announced a city-wide ban on glyphosate-based herbicides in February of 2019.
Miami Beach, Florida – Passed a resolution banning the use of glyphosate weed killers for landscaping and maintenance work on city-owned property.
North Miami, Florida – City Council approved a plan calling for the gradual reduction of pesticide use on city property and a study on alternative pesticides.
Satellite Beach, Florida – City Council unanimously approved a resolution that bans the city and its contractors from using glyphosate-based herbicides, including Monsanto’s Roundup.
Stuart, Florida – City commissioners voted to ban glyphosate, calling for an integrated pest control plan that reduces the use of glyphosate with the ultimate goal of eliminating chemicals.
In February of 2018, a series of bills moved ahead in the legislature that would regulate pesticides, including Roundup weed killer.
Chicago, Illinois – The city stopped spraying glyphosate in public spaces.
Evanston, Illinois – Evanston decided to go pesticide-free in 2010.
Glyphosate is banned from use on city property, parks and schools.
Franklin Park, Illinois – Passed resolution promoting an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) policy that restricts highly toxic pesticides and urges for pesticides to be considered as a last resort.
Naperville, Illinois – Created the Sustainable Parks Initiative, which uses organic products and sustainable practices for weed control.
Urbana, Illinois – Adopted the Midwest Grows Green natural lawn care initiative to eliminate synthetic lawn pesticides on city parks.
Dubuque, Iowa – City instituted a ban on glyphosate use in public parks.
Story County, Iowa – Eliminated the use of chemical pesticides in six of its mowed turf areas.
Lawrence, Kansas – Implemented Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program designed to reduce pesticide use.
Wichita, Kansas – Initiated pilot program that limits or eliminates pesticide use.
Dozens of cities and townships in Maine have adopted local ordinances restricting or banning pesticides and herbicides.
Portland, Maine – Banned synthetic pesticides in March of 2019. Private property owners may only use organic treatments on lawns and gardens. No pesticides may be used within 75 feet of a water body or wetland.
South Portland, Maine – Passed a pesticide plan that discourages property owners from using certain pesticides and herbicides.
Greenbelt, Maryland – Adopted Sustainable Land Care policy for public lands calling for limited use of pesticides.
Hyattsville, Maryland – Passed ordinance prohibiting the use of toxic pesticides on public property in favor of alternative, organic methods.
Montgomery County, Maryland – County Council voted to ban the use of cosmetic pesticides on private lawns. In December 2018, Montgomery County Parks announced that it would discontinue the use of glyphosate in parks.
Takoma Park, Maryland – Placed restriction on cosmetic pesticides for lawn care on public and private property.
Chatham, Massachusetts – Passed an order banning glyphosate use in parks, athletic fields, mulch beds and walkways.
Eastham, Massachusetts – Local ordinance requires town employees to receive a permit for use of registered pesticides and prohibits the use of highly-toxic pesticides.
Falmouth, Massachusetts – Issued a yearlong moratorium on glyphosate use.
Marblehead, Massachusetts – Created Organic Pest Management program to phase out pesticides and herbicides.
Warwick, Massachusetts – A measure to ban Monsanto’s Roundup passed at a Special Town Meeting. The ban does not allow people to spray glyphosate on any land within the town.
Wellesley, Massachusetts – Wellesley banned all pesticides in 2011.
Glyphosate is restricted from being sprayed on athletic fields and any city-owned property. The chemical can be used in limited emergency weed control situations.
Minneapolis, Minnesota – Commissioners of the Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board decided to eliminate all glyphosate-based products from being used in neighborhood parks. In October of 2018, the Park Board’s Operations & Environment Committee voted to extend the glyphosate ban to the entire Minneapolis park system.
Rochester, Minnesota – The Parks & Recreation Department initiated a pesticide-free pilot project for city parks.
Reno, Nevada – The city initiated a pesticide free pilot program.
New Hampshire
Dover, New Hampshire – Passed resolution calling for Organic Land Management. City utilizes least toxic compounds only when necessary.
Portsmouth, New Hampshire – Passed resolution eliminating the use of toxic pesticides on public property in favor of alternative, organic methods.
New Mexico
Bernalillo County, New Mexico – The County Commission voted to ban the use of Roundup on county properties by 2020.
Taos County, New Mexico – Taos County Commissioners are considering the possibility of banning all pesticides, including glyphosate.
New Jersey
New Jersey has State and local ordinances encouraging Integrated Pest Management programs to eliminate or drastically reduce the use of pesticides. At least 15 city school districts and over a dozen other parks and recreation departments in the state have enacted IPM programs.
New York
In January of 2019, New York State Senator Brad Hoylman (27th District) sponsored a bill in the New York State Senate that would prohibit the sale and distribution of products containing glyphosate.
In April of 2019, two New York City council members introduced legislation to ban glyphosate use in parks and other public spaces.
New York Park and Recreation Department has measures to eliminate or reduce pesticide and herbicide use in areas under its control.
New Paltz, New York – The use of toxic pesticides and herbicides by city employees or by private contractors is forbidden on all city-owned lands.
Rockland County, New York – Created a Non-Toxic Pesticide program, mandating the use of natural, non-toxic, or as a last resort with prior approval, the least toxic pesticide use.
Westchester County, New York – Enacted a law for pesticide-free parks.
North Carolina
Carrboro, North Carolina – The city of Carrboro has restricted glyphosate use since 1999. Under the terms of the ban, glyphosate cannot be sprayed in public parks, schools and town buildings or properties. The city will only allow glyphosate to be sprayed under limited circumstances.
Cuyahoga County, Ohio – Local ordinance prohibits the use of pesticides on county-owned land, and established the adoption of an Integrated Pest Management program for county-owned properties.
South Euclid, Ohio – Passed ordinance prohibiting toxic pesticides on public grounds in favor of alternative, organic pest control methods unless permitted by an Environmental Review Board.
Portland, Oregon – Since 1988, Portland has restricted the use of Roundup to emergency use only. Glyphosate is banned on all city-owned property.
Austin, Texas – City Council voted to prohibit the spraying of glyphosate on city lands.
Denton, Texas – City Council voted to implement an integrated pest management program and ban the use of glyphosate on city parks, fields and playgrounds.
Multiple bills containing restrictions or bans on glyphosate have been introduced in the legislature.
Representative Mari Cordes introduced H. 301, which would ban the sale, use or application of the herbicide glyphosate.
Representative Annmarie Christensen introduced H. 328, an act relating to the use of glyphosate herbicide.
Charlottesville, Virginia – Restricts the use of glyphosate on any city-owned parks, schools, or buildings. Glyphosate can only be sprayed under limited circumstances.
King County, Washington – Passed municipal ordinance initiating an Integrative Pest Management (IPM) program to determine if and how pesticides should be used.
Kitsap County, Washington – Passed measure banning the spraying of glyphosate by workers on county-owned and maintained properties. Glyphosate may only be used on noxious weeds as a tool of last resort.
Olympia, Washington – City passed a resolution to encourage the implementation of an Integrative Pest Management (IPM) program for non-chemical pest control.
Thurston County, Washington – Passed municipal ordinance to restrict the use of toxic pesticides on public property.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin - banned the use of glyphosate on public property.
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Updated: 6/21/19
Source: Thanks to the reporting and information from Baum, Hedlund, Aristei & Goldman PC
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