Cortaderia selloana (core-ta-DER-ee-ah sell-oh-AN-ah)
Perennial Sun Height 8 feet Spread 8 feet Spacing 8 - 10 feet
HABIT: Fountain like clump grass with long, slender, sharp-edged blades of foliage. White flower plumes in late summer last quite long into the winter. Foliage turns brown in harsh winter and should be cut back.
CULTURE: Very easy to grow in any soil. Low water and food requirements. Needs good drainage like most plants.
USES: Accent plant, border for roads, drives, or parks. Good for distant viewing.
PROBLEMS: Few if any. Some consider the coarseness a negative.
NOTES: White plumes are good for interior arrangements. Female plants have the showiest plumes. Native to South America.
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