Happy Healthy New Year 2010
Dirt Doctor Newsletter
New Year Resolutions 2010
Here’s some of the brief New Year’s resolution ideas we talked about on the last radio show. Let us know if you have anything related to add.
Gardening / Landscaping
1. Stop using toxic chemicals, go organic.
2. Stop planting plants too deep.
5. Stop wrapping and staking trees.
7. Stop catching grass clippings.
8. Stop tilling after soil is healthy.
9. Stop raking leaves.
10. Stop listening to the chemical pushers.
Healthy Living
1. Stop smoking and chewing.
2. Stop touching your face with hands.
3. Stop wearing shoes that are too small.
4. Stop using microwaves.
5. Stop using regular salt - use sea salt.
6. Exercise, lose weight, tone up.
7. Always eat breakfast.
8. Drink 8 ounces of filtered water first thing in the AM.
9. Eat grass fed meats, eggs, dairy products (they'll also be organic).
10. Use natural cures when possible.
Happy New Year!
Judy & Howard Garrett
Here’s the link to my health program. Visit the Health and Nutrition section of the Organic Warehouse to find products I use and recommend.
If you have any questions regarding this newsletter or any other topic, join me for my radio show heard in Dallas/Fort Worth on Saturday at 11am and across the country on Sunday from 8 - 11am (CST). Radio.
Find more information on living a more natural organic lifestyle visit my website DirtDoctor.com.
Champion Pecan Tree naming contest coming to a close. Have your entry submitted by Noon on January 3, 2010.
Naturally yours,
Howard Garrett
The Dirt Doctor
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