Howard's newest book:

In Organic Lawn Care: Growing Grass the Natural Way, Howard takes you step-by-step through creating and maintaining turf organically. He begins with the soil, showing you how to establish a healthy habitat for grass. Then he discusses a variety of turfgrasses, including Bermudagrass, bluegrass, buffalograss, fescue, ryegrass, St. Augustine, and zoysia. Howard explains in detail how to establish and maintain a lawn, including planting, mowing, watering, fertilizing, composting, and managing weeds and pests. And he offers alternatives to lawn grasses and turf, describing the situations in which they might be your best choice. Follow the program in Organic Lawn Care, and don’t be surprised when your water bill drops dramatically and your lawn or golf course is the best-looking one around.
Watch a review of Howard's books - Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3.
Howard's books are useful coast to coast and border to border.
Click here to order Howard's books or call 866-444-3478.