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Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen Peroxide: A liquid oxygenating product. Hydrogen peroxide is not a good source of oxygen. It is toxic at any level where you would get sufficient oxygen in a water solution. As a greenhouse mist it should be used no more than one part per million in air and a complete change out before entering the area unprotected. Used incorrectly hydrogen peroxide can be the source of considerable plant damage.

Hydrogen peroxide, H2O2 is the equivalent of a water molecule with an extra oxygen atom. It can be used as a disinfectant, an antiseptic and a bleach.  It comes in concentrations from 3 to 100%. The 100% variety is used in rocket fuel. Most our purposes can be served with the 3% version that’s available at grocery stores and pharmacies. It can be mixed at 8 oz. per gallon of water to spray as an organic disease fighter on plants. It is quite effective on bacterial diseases.

This colorless, odorless liquid is not a stable compound. It must be protected from light and kept in a cool place.

Hydrogen peroxide can be poured on minor cuts and scrapes. It will foam as it breaks down to water and the extra oxygen – a gas that bubbles to the surface. The high concentration of oxygen kills bacteria. The same is true with plants. I recommend splashing it on wounds on trees.

Concentrated hydrogen peroxide can be used to kill weeds, even aquatic weeds. The concentration in this case needs to be 10%. At his writing there is no commercial product. To create a 10% solution, purchase 30% concentrated material from the feed store and dilute with water down to 10%.


Problem is the strong is very hard to find. 35% product has to be purchased on line at this point and then diluted to about 10%. It has to be sprayed on the foliage straight without any other ingredients. As it goes into the water it dilutes and is good for the water and fish.  Hydrogen Peroxide Tip: Add 2-3 cap fulls to a bucket of minnows to keep them alive longer.

Q:  Can you elaborate on how to do the hydrogen peroxide spray straight H​2O2. as from typical drug store.... straight into sprayer, undiluted, and use a row boat to apply topically?  Any soap with it for surfactant?

A:  YUP! When some leaf color starts.  Water lilies can be killed will strong hydrogen peroxide or pull them out with some kind of a spiked drag. Good material for the compost pile. 





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