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Joe Bradford - Organic Pecan Field Day Slide Show

Organic Pecan Field Day
September 9, 2005
Hamilton, Texas

Dr. Joe Bradford, lead researcher with the USDA Kika de la Garza ARS, has been doing research on organic pecan production at the Hamilton Orchard’s for the last three years. Half of the 800 acre orchard was cared for with conventional production  practices and half has been treated with several different organic treatments. Joe has been taking meticulous notes and can share with attendees what has worked the best. From each tree, he has counted numbers of nuts, total weight of production, and determined kernel quality for each tree. 

Howard Garrett, The Dirt Doctor
Dr. Joe Bradford, (USDA-ARS) Lead Researcher on this project.
Dr. Elaine Ingham, (SFI Inc.) Soil Biology & Disease Control for Pecans
Bill Ree, (TAMU—Extension Entomologist) IPM in the Pecan Orchard
Leah and Kyle Leonard, Weyrich Pecans, Eagle Pass, TX

Hamilton Orchard
September 9, 2005

Photos and commentary from Howard Garrett.


  Paradigm Problem: Turning who wheat into unhealthy white bleached flour.
 Bare soil in orchard --a costly way to destroy the systems of the trees.
Texas champion pecan tree.
Dry molasses and lava sand.
Horticultural cornmeal.
Pine tree seedling in growth chamber.
Paper wasp taking care of its young.
Trichogramma wasps in moth eggs on card.

Green lacewing eggs.
Dry minced garlic to ward off mosquitoes and other pests.
Orange TKO - A quality d-limonene product.
The vinegar to use in the oganic herbicide formula.  Into
1 gallon of 10% white vinegar add 1 oz of orange oil or
d-limonene and 1 teaspoon of liquid soap.
A buried tree.
Tree at proper grade.
Air spade work on the Texas Champion Pecan tree in
Weatherford, TX.
Root flare shows growth which means the tree is actively growing again.
The champion pecan tree and the Dirt Doctor.  This photo
taken approximately 7 years ago.
Same angle of the tree, photo taken summer 2005 showing
dramatic increase in canopy thickness.

Adventitious roots on pecan that was planted far too deep in the ground.
Soil removed with air spade.
Trees were planted about 12 inches too deep.
Young seedlings that are normally planted 4 - 6 inches above the finger pointing at the true crown.
Air spade tool.
Sycamore planted far too deep in the ground.

Lacebark elm with a proper root lare above the ground.



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