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Maple - Crimson Queen Japanese




 Been in my yard in a pot for 40 years.



Acer palmatum  (A-ser pal-MATE-um)

Deciduous        Shade to part shade      Height 6 - 20 feet    Spread 10 - 20 feet    Spacing 10 - 15 feet


HABIT:  Beautiful spreading branches on various sized varieties, some tall-growing, others dwarf; some red, others green. Over 400 varieties exist.


CULTURE:        Relatively easy to grow in any soil, normal water and fertilization. Best in light shade. Plant high – make sure the rot flare is above ground.


USES:              Specimen garden tree, understory tree, spring, summer, fall, and winter color. Smaller varieties are good in pots.


PROBLEMS:     Delicate foliage will sometimes burn in heat of summer, not harmful.


NOTES:            The green species is the largest growing and toughest.  The green leafed varieties and cultivars are the easiest to grow and have terrific fall color. ‘Dissectum’ is the dwarf lacy leaf, and ‘Coral Bark’ has bright red stems in winter. There are hundreds of choices, even variegated forms. Native to Japan.


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