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Organic Seed Catalogs

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Abundant Life Seed Co 
100% organic vegetables, flower, and herb seeds, garlic, seed potatoes, garden supplies and growing information including seed saving techniques.  Free organic seed catalog, and online ordering.


Angelgrove Tree Seed Company 
Quality seeds for flowering and Japanese trees - offers online seed catalogs and mail order flower seeds list.


Antonelli Brothers 
Specializing in begonias - also offer dahlias, lilies, gladiolus, ranunculus, and tuberous begonias. Offers online plant and seed catalogs.  


Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds 
Large variety of heirloom seeds,  free seed catalog, heirloom seed grower’s magazine, a planting guide and much more. Excellent resource.


Borghese Gardens 
Offering popular herbs, flowers, vegetables and more, scroll through their theme gardens. Printable online theme catalogs.


Burnt Ridge Nursery & Orchards 
Mail order nursery specializing in unusual and disease resistant trees, vines and shrubs that produce edible nuts or fruits.


Container Seeds 
Seeds especially selected for successful edible container gardening. Container gardening supplies, books, how-to articles, and newsletters. Online ordering and printable PDF seed catalog for mail orders.


The Cook's Garden 
Vegetable, herb and flower seeds, garden supplies and kitchen supplies - includes seed catalogs, both online and free mail order seed catalog.


Dutch Gardens 
The finest flower bulbs and freshest plants and perennials direct to you from Holland. Includes gardening catalogs, both online and mail order gardening catalog. A Certified Organic company specializing in gourmet and medicinal mushrooms and mushroom-related products. Online ordering or request a free brochure.


Garden Web 
GardenWeb is the largest gardening site on the Web, with garden forums, articles on gardening, a botanical glossary, a plant database and much more. 


GreenDealer is the source for exotic seeds from tropical and temporate climates. Online seed catalogs only.


Harris Seeds 
Vegetable and flower seeds, plants, bulbs, greenhouses, garden and growing supplies for the home or professional grower. Seed Catalogs online or mail-order. Free newsletter.


The Herb Cottage 
A Texas-based retail/wholesale nursery with a large selection of culinary and ornamental herbs, salvias, vines, seedlings and heirloom vegetables. Online seed catalogs.


Heirloom Acre Seeds 
Offer organic specialty seed potatoes and organic herb plants in addition to a fine collection of tools, books and other cultivation aids. Mail order seed catalogs.


Heirloom Seeds 
Non-hybrid vegetable, flower, and herb seeds for sale. Free weekly newsletter. Gardening books, tips and planting information. Online seed catalogs  or printable order form.


High Mowing Organic Seeds 
Provides quality organic vegetable seed, flower seed, and medicinal and culinary herb seed for gardeners, commercial growers, and retailers.


Hood River Garlic 
Certified organic seed garlic direct from the farm. Online ordering, garlic recipes and tips. Also offers food garlic. Family owned.


Irish Eyes - Garden City Seeds 
A large selection of non-treated organic seeds - online seed catalogs for certified and organic heirloom potatoes and potato seeds, garlic bulbs, shallots, garden seeds and flower seeds for your home garden. 


J.L. Swedes Garlic 
Organically grown heirloom, hardneck and artichoke seed garlic.  Online ordering.


Johnny's Seeds 
Seeds, vegetable seeds, seed catalogs, flower seeds, herb seeds, flower bulbs, garden seed catalogs, mail order catalogs, seed company, garden seeds, organic seeds, heirloom seeds, garden tools, garden accessories, vegetable gardening, garden supplies, gardening tools, gardening accessories, flowers and herbs.


Kitazawa Seed Company
The oldest company in America specializing in Asian vegetable seeds. Since 1917 we have been the source for oriental vegetable seeds for home gardeners, retailers, and commercial growers. Read more


Miller Nurseries 
Large selection of fruit and nut trees, berries, grapes and more. 65 varieties of apples, many cherry, peach, nectarine, plum and pear trees. Online ordering, printable order form and free garden catalog.


Mountain Valley Growers 
Herb Plants and perennials for culinary, medicinal, aromatic and ornamental uses - all certified organically grown. Free seed catalog, online ordering, newsletter.


Natural Gardening Co. 
Organic gardening source, home of Tomato Heaven. We sell certified organic seeds and certified organic plants, including our organically grown heirloom tomatoes. Online seed catalog and ordering.


Nature's Crossroads provides earth-friendly seeds and supplies for Midwest gardeners.  We are based in Indiana and focus on organic seeds in packets as well as kits and collections for gardeners of every age and skill level.  Check out our kid-oriented products like our "Sunflower Fort Garden Kit!"


New England Seed Company 
Offers vegetable, herb, wildflower and flower seeds, gardening supplies and retail seed displays. Shop online or request free seeds catalog.


New England Wild Flower Society 
The oldest plant conservation organization in the U.S., promoting conservation of North American native plants - sells plants and seeds, downloadable seed catalogs


Nichols Garden Nursery 
Complete garden seeds catalog featuring new and unusual vegetables, herbs, and flowers. Emphasizing short season varieties, flavor and performance.


Organic Seed 
Offers 200 varieties of certified organic, non-GMO, (many heirloom) garden seeds. Retail and wholesale  vegetable, herb and flower seeds. Free printable online catalog.


A beautiful website with Information on the propagation, botany, pests & diseases, plant care and many photographs of the perennial African daisy. 


Park Seed 
Over 2500 varieties, virtual tour of their trial gardens, recipes, tips, links and lots more - includes online seed catalogs, free newsletter and free mail-order seed catalog.  


Penny's Tomatoes 
FREE Tomato Seed Catalog  for the Best Tasting Tomatoes on Planet Earth. Check out how to win Free Tomato Seeds. Try our Tomato-Head Trivia Contest. Or sign up for Penny's Tomatoes FREE Newsletter giving you tips on Planting, Transplanting, Fertilizing, Harvesting and Cooking and Enjoying those wonderful Tomatoes.


Pepper Joe's 
specializing in Hot Pepper & Chile Seeds, Tomato Seeds, and Herb Seeds. Hot and Spicy Seeds include Seeds for just $3.00. Catalog available.


Pinetree Garden Seeds 
Seeds, bulbs, gardening supplies, books, etc for the home gardener - includes online seed catalogs and free mail order seed catalog.


Prairie Oak Publishing 
Specializing in Stevia Seeds. These seeds are high germination and grown in the United States. Large or small amounts. Also books about growing and using stevia, including recipes. Sample recipes and online ordering.


R.H. Schumway 
Bulk seed, grasses, flowers, fruit, garden supplies, herbs and vegetables, includes online ordering and mail order seed catalog (old fashioned look that's fun to browse).


Seeds of Change 
Sustaining organic gardening techniques - 600 distinct varieties of 100% organically grown seeds and over 100 varieties in bulk quantities for the market grower. Free newsletter. Order from their online seed catalogs or request a free catalog.


The Seedman 
Thousands of exotic and unusual Plant Seeds from around the World for the home gardener - online seed catalogs, phone orders and printable mail-order form.


Seeds Trust 
Heirloom seeds, vegetable seeds, bulk wild flower seeds, ornamental grass seed, siberian tomato seeds, herb seed and organic seeds from a 19 year-old   bio-regional seed company dedicated to self-reliance and genetic preservation. Online catalog and ordering.


Silver Falls Seed Company 
Grown down on the farm! This online catalog offers daylilies, wildflowers, flower seeds, ground cover and grass seed and much more. Wholesale and   retail. Online seed catalogs, free newsletter.


St. Lawrence Nurseries 
Specializing in cold-hardy fruit and nut trees, also offers cherries, berries and edible landscaping plants. Order form for mail/fax orders, free garden catalog, no online ordering.


Stark Bros. Nurseries & Orchards Co. 
Specializing in apple trees since 1816, also offers apples, apricots, berries, cherries, ferns/grasses/groundcover, graphs, growing aides, nuts, peaches, pears, nectarines, plums and much more. Online ordering or free mail-order catalog.


Sylvan Botanicals 
Dedicated to preserving US ginseng production, they offer goldenseal, blue cohosh, wild ginger and many other native plants.


Territorial Seed Company 
Large variety of seeds for all seasons. Online seed catalogs, newsletter and mail order seed catalogs available.


Tomato Bob 
Offers over 400 varieties of hard to find Heirloom Tomato and Vegetable seeds many were offered in Garden catalogs of the late 1800's. Online ordering.


Totally Tomatoes 
Hundreds of tomatoes to order with peppers and other vegetables. Buy online or order free seed catalogs.


Victory Seeds 
Vegetable, herb and flower seeds - offers online seed catalogs





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