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Pecan Tree Naming Contest Results

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Naming the Champion Pecan in Weatherford
and the winning name is……

 The Finch “Pride of Texas” Pecan



The two winners are Richard Bradley and Mary Lynch - each winning a pile of organic products from Harvest Supply or Southland Supply. See prize list

Runners up are Shirley Dunn, Tracy Favre and Maxine Hendrick, and they will receive a 40 oz.
New Plant Bio S.I. and The Organic Manual.

Everyone who submitted entries will receive a complimentary
Dirt Doctor Membership for one year.


The Finch “Pride of Texas” Pecan is owned by Bill and Lynn Finch, and they are delighted to have you visit.



Their farm and the tree is in Weatherford, Texas just three miles north of the downtown square, on the right side of Highway 51. The property is the white house on the right as you start up the hill from a new bridge over a creek. Check in at the house and then walk past the barn and across a dry creek to the tree. The Finches welcome you, but please be respectful to their property and the tree. Leave your card or a note telling where you're from.

If you have any questions regarding this newsletter or any other topic, join me for my radio show heard in Dallas/Fort Worth
on Saturday at 11 am and across the country on Sunday from 8 - 11am (CST)Radio.

Find more information on living a more natural organic lifestyle at  

Visit the
Organic Warehouse for the best natural organic products for your health and gardening needs. And a Dirt Doctor Membership will make a great Valentine's gift. 

Naturally yours,
Howard Garrett
The Dirt Doctor 

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Dirt Doctor, Inc.  P.O. Box 140650  Dallas, TX  75214    Copyright(c) 2009

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