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BOTANICAL NAME: Catharanthus roseus — Pronounced ca-tha-RAN-thus ro-SAY-us


Full direct sun

Height 9 - 12 inches

Spread 12 - 15 inches

Spacing 9 -12 inches


HABIT: Low, compact annual for dry, extremely well-drained areas.


CULTURE: Plant in any well-drained bed in full sun after the weather turns permanently warmer.


Photo from Arizona State University


USES: Summer color in full sun.


PROBLEMS: Too much water or planting too early in the spring is sure death for this plant.


NOTES: Always plant the dwarf varieties so they won't droop over. Native to Madagascar. Many gardeners have stopped planting periwinkles because of the disease Phytophthora, but it can be avoided with the organic program. Periwinkles must be grown in full sun all day long and the morning sun is the most important sunshine of the day for plants.





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