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Pink Slime and Ammonia: Two Main Ingredients in Some Ground Beef



We are certainly not opposed to eating meat, but here’s one more reason to buy organic and “grass fed”. When you buy ground beef from many grocery stores in the United States today, or eat a fast food burger, you might be eating this stuff.

"Ten years ago, the rejected fat, sinew, bloody effluvia, and occasional bits of meat cut from carcasses in the slaughterhouse were a low-value waste product called 'trimmings' that were sold primarily as pet food. No more. Now, Beef Products Inc. of South Dakota transforms trimmings into something they call 'boneless lean beef.' Factories liquefy theses trimmings and use a spinning centrifuge to separate the sinews and fats from the meat, leaving a mash that has been described as 'pink slime.' It is then frozen into small squares and sold as a low-cost additive to hamburger." Besides being low quality factory fed meat, the product is treated with ammonia in a toxic attempt to kill pathogens.

Beef Products Inc. produces more than 7 million pounds of the mash weekly, making it the world's largest manufacturer of this frozen product. “BPI explains that its product is mixed into most of the ground beef sold in the United States at major fast-food restaurants, supermarkets, and school lunch programs." But that's not the entire problem, when you turn garbage bits of animal carcasses into "pink slime" to sell as a food product, there's an issue with pathogens, such as E. coli.

Original tests came back showing that the pink slime was rampant with harmful bacteria. It should have been decided not to sell right then, but Beef Products Inc. cleverly started disinfecting the slime with ammonia and convinced the FDA to allow them to list it as a "processing ingredient" so that we wouldn't know we were eating ammonia.

For more information on this disgusting subject: Jamie Oliver Video 12 March 2012. Pink Slime “It’s What for Lunch in U.S. Schools."

If you have any questions on this newsletter or any other topic, tune in Sunday 8am -11am CST to the Dirt Doctor Radio Show. The phone number for the show is 1-866-444-3478. Listen on the internet or find a station in your area. Members can log in on Sunday mornings to see the Dirt Doctor's Live Broadcast.

Please share this newsletter with everyone in your address book and all your friends on Facebook and Twitter to help me spread the word on organics.

Naturally yours,


Howard Garrett

P.S. JOIN the Organic Club of America today and receive seeds ( Ginkgo, Loofah, Red Lima Beans and other seeds) from Howard’s garden as they become available. Join for two or more years and receive these seeds and an autographed copy of Howard’s The Organic Manual (a value of $18.95).

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Dirt Doctor, Inc. P.O. Box 140650 Dallas, TX 75214
Copyright(c) 2011

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