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Pollinators Newsletter




Birds, bats, butterflies, moths, flies, beetles, wasps, small mammals and of course, bees are pollinators. As they drink flower nectar or feed off of pollen, they pick up pollen and transport these grains from plant to plant. The current decline of pollinator populations is attributed to a loss in feeding and nesting habitats, air pollution, misuse of chemicals, diseases, and changes in climatic patterns. 
To celebrate and help protect these important animals, here’s a review of some of the most common and less known of these friends.

Birds of all kinds are excellent pollinators

Hummingbird moth on Buddleia

Bats provide insect control and help pollinate plants

Hairstreak butterfly

Swallowtail butterfly

Io moth

Luna moth

White-lined Sphinx moth

Black soldier fly - the adult of the maggot in your wet compost

Hover fly on crape myrtle - adult is powerful pollinator, larva is an effective predator

Hover or syrphid fly on rose

Tachinid flies have bristly butts and often large colorful eyes

Tachinid fly - parasitoid of pest insects and an excellent pollinator

Green lacewing - adults are great pollinators, larvae are helpful predators

Bumblebees - even more powerful pollinators than honeybees for certain crops

Honeybees - imported to the US but valuable pollinators


Leaf-cutting bees, mason bees, and plug bugs are all helpful even though they do some cosmetic plant damage

Wasps - powerful predators of pests and helpful pollinators


Almond verbena - the best pollinator attractor in my garden

White Gregg's mistflower - even better pollinator attractor than the bluish-purple choice

What Can We Do To Help


The best way to protect and encourage the pollinators is to help biodiversity by using lots of varying plants and working together to eliminate toxic pesticides to convert the world to organics. Enjoy these fascinating creatures in the meantime!


To discuss this newsletter or any other topic, tune in each Sunday 8-11am central time to the Dirt Doctor Radio Show. The call-in phone number is 1-800-281-8255. Listen on the internet or click here to find a station in your area.


Please share this newsletter with your gardening friends on Facebook, Instagram, and X (Twitter) to help me spread the word on organics.


Naturally yours,

Howard Garrett





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