Reading Recommended
Recommended Reading: Natural Organic Gardening & Related Health Issues
"An Agricultural Testament" and "The Soil and Health" – (Farming and Gardening for Health or Disease) by Sir Albert Howard are state-of-the-art guides to organics and the use of compost to bring soil back to health. They were written in the 1940s, but are still two of the best publications on the market. <?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = ST1 />Oxford and Rodale Press.
The Albrecht Papers by William Albrecht is a compilation of papers by the late Dr. Albrecht and is considered the bible for managing soil health.
Bread from Stones by Julius Hensel is a classic explaining the role of earth minerals in the production of wholesome food crops.
Common Sense Pest Control by William Olkowski, Sheila Daar, Helga Olkowski is an excellent reference for low-toxicity pest control. The Taunton Press.
Establishment and Maintenance of Landscape Plants by Dr. Carl Whitcomb provides excellent research and backup for the practical approach to horticulture. Lacebark Publications.
Food and Behavior by Barbara Reed Stitt is a terrific book about the relationship between nutrition and health. Natural Press.
Garden-Ville Method (Lessons in Nature) is written by the king of compost, Malcolm Beck, one of the most knowledgeable people on organics in the country. Malcolm Beck,
Growing Great Garlic, by Ron Engeland is the best book on growing garlic.
Holistic Resource Management is a non-profit organization dedicated to halting the deterioration of land and human resources world-wide. Formed by a group of ranchers, farmers, public resource managers, researchers, and conservationists in 1984, the Center now has 11 state, regional, and international branches and an active membership of over 1500 families, individuals, and organizations. Alan Savory is the Center's founding director and heads the program staff. He is a native of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and holds a degree in zoology and botany.
Holistic Resource Management by Alan Savory is for anyone involved in the management of land. This book teaches you how to think and treat people and their environment as a whole. Island Press, Washington, DC. Center for Holistic Resource Management,
How to Have a Green Thumb Without an Aching Back, Exposition Press, Gardening Without Work, Devin-Adair, and The No Work Gardening Book, Rodale Press, by Ruth Stout are great. She was a humorous writer, a philosopher, and an advocate of mulching.
Humic, Fulvic and Microbial Balance: Organic Soil Conditioning, William R. Jackson, JacksonResearchCenter, Evergreen, Colorado.
Introduction to Soil Microbiology, Second Edition, Martin Alexander, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Nature's Silent Music by Dr. Phil Callahan explains how to preserve the health of the land by avoiding toxic chemicals and working within nature's laws and systems.
Nourishing Traditions is an excellent book on healthy eating by Sally Fallon
The Omega Diet and Why Grass fed is Best! by Jo Robinson, Vashon Island Press.
The One-Straw Revolution by Masanobu Fukuoka is an introduction to natural farming and an excellent book on the philosophy and practicality of organic gardening from one of Japan's living legends.
Seaweed and Plant Growth by Dr. T.L. Senn explains in detail the wonderful powers of seaweed as a fertilizer, growth stimulator, and pest repellent.
The Secret Life of Compost by Malcolm Beck is a "how to" and "why" guide to composting.
Science in Agriculture by Dr. Arden Anderson is a "must-have" and "must- study" book for anyone interested in eco-agriculture.
Silent Spring by Rachel Carson is a must-read. If you don't convert to organics after reading this classic, you never will. The Riverside Press, Cambridge.
Teaming With Microbes: A Gardener's Guide to the Soil Food Web, by Jeff and Wayne Lewis,
The Organic Lawn Care Manual by Paul Tukey
"The Stockman Grass Farmer" a monthly publication from the Mississippi Valley Publishing Corp.,
Weeds by Charles Walters is a thorough review and explanation of how to control weeds through soil management.
Why Grassfed is Best! A wonderful book about the health benefits of eating grassfed animals and eggs. It is easy to read and well documented. Jo Robinson.
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