Roughleaf Dogwood
BOTANICAL NAME: Cornus drummondii (KOR-nus druh-MUN-dee-eye)
FAMILY: Cornaceae (Dogwood Family)
TYPE: Deciduous large shrub or small tree
Sun or shade
HEIGHT: 5 feet
SPREAD: 15 feet
SPACING: 6 - 12 feet
HABIT: Small tree, blooms after leaves have formed in late spring with white flower clusters. White seed pods in late summer and purple fall color. Plant spreads easily by seeds and suckers but is not a problem. Stems are reddish and very decorative in winter.
CULTURE: Easy, any soil, drought tolerant. Very easy to grow.
FLOWERS AND FRUIT: Small white flowers in clusters in late spring, white fruits in the fall that disappear quickly because the birds love them.
BARK: Young stems are reddish becoming gray with age.
FOLIAGE: Rough, hairy leaves. Fall color ranges from red to deep purple. Simple, opposite, and deciduous, 1 to 5 inches long, olive green on top, paler beneath.
IDENTIFICATION INFORMATION: Thicket forming and bush. Stems are reddish and very decorative in the winter
NATURAL HABITAT AND PREFERRED SITE: Natural habitat is the edges of thickets, streams, creeks and fence rows. Rough leaf dogwood will grow well in a range of soils from sand to clay.
USES: Background mass, understory tree, seeds for birds.
PROPAGATION: Extremely easy from stem cuttings, root division or seed which can be planted immediately after harvest.
PROBLEMS: Fairly common leaf fungus which can be controlled with the Sick Tree Treatment and a spray of Garrett Juice plus garlic or potassium bicarbonate for serious problems. Can become be a very invasive plant so be careful where it is planted.
INSIGHT: The wood is used to make woodenware products and charcoal. The fruit is eaten by several species of wildlife.
NOTES: Many have been cut down by people thinking they are weeds. This plant is graceful, tough, and should be used more. Native eastern USA to Texas.
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