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Soil Saavy

Soil testing for home gardeners, agricultural and greenhouse producers, turf managers and landscapers. Tests determine what nutrients are needed and provides an Easy-To-Understand fertilizer recommendation tailored to your site.

UNIBEST is a technology development and professional services company specializing in innovative agricultural testing and environmental sustainability.

History & Direction

UNIBEST, the short form of UNIversal Bioavailability Environmental/Soil Test, was re-established in 2010 to target the advantages of a new Patent for ion-exchange resin testing within agricultural markets. In 1999, following several years of focused scientific studies, UNIBEST International worked with the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) so that the company could access PNNL’s state-of-the-art Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory to proceduralize its analytical and laboratory methods. Today, UNIBEST and PNNL cooperate together in a formal Mentor-Protégé Agreement. The company also teamed with commercial agri-business to expand its research & development capabilities and complete activities necessary for market introduction.

Unibest International
115 W. Main Street.
Walla Walla, WA 99362

Facebook:  UNIBEST International

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