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Stink Bug, Predaceous

Common Names
: Twospotted Stink Bug, Stink Bug (see also: Stink Bug, Two-Spotted)


Scientific name: Order Heteroptera, family Pentatomidae, Perillus bioculatus


Size: Adult—3/8" to 1/2"


Identification: Shieldlike body of adults ranges from red and black to yellow and black. Black spots on the underside. Antennae are black. Red and black nymphs.


Biology and life cycle: Females lay several hundred gray, barrel-shaped eggs in tight clusters of fifteen to thirty, usually on foliage. Nymphs cluster after hatching, then disperse to feed. Two to three generations a year.


Habitat: Potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes, beans, cole crops, asparagus.


Feeding habits: Predator of Colorado potato beetle, bean beetle, corn earworm and moth, asparagus beetle, and cabbage looper. Nymph will devour Colorado potato beetle eggs. Larger nymphs and larvae eat the larvae.


Two-spotted stink bugs

Two-spotted stink bugs


Economic importance: Beneficial predator.


Natural control: Birds, snakes, and lizards.


Organic control: None needed.


Insight: These insects are very beneficial.





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