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Stink Bug, Two-Spotted


Common Name: Two-spotted Stink Bug

General Category: Beneficial Predator

Taxonomic Classification: Hemiptera: Pentatomidae

Scientific Name: Perillus bioculatus


Description: Two spots and distinctive keyhole markings on adults make this beneficial bug easily distinguished from other predatory stink bugs. It is a generalist predator, not a picky eater. Like all true bugs (Hemiptera) these predators have a beak. To feed, they swing their beaks up from under their bodies, sneak up to their prey and jab them with harpoon-like tips. They inject digestive enzymes through the beak that makes the prey immobile, then suck up the digested insides. Gross but effective.


Adults have two spots on the top of their thoraxes, as well as a keyhole-shaped marking on their backs. Head and legs are black, with a stripe on the latter. Colors of thorax and abdomen are variable, with black markings on either red, orange or tan background. Shoulders are rounded in contrast to the spines seen in other predatory stink bugs. Like all predatory stink bugs, Twospotted stink bugs have beaks that are at least twice as thick as their antennae. Beaks on pest stink bugs are longer and thinner for sucking plant juices.


Two-spotted stink bugs

Two-spotted stink bugs


Nymphs have no wings. The overall shape is rounded with a somewhat flattened underside. Black or brown head, thorax, and legs. Abdomen with red, orange or tan O shape, and black spots around edge.


Value in Pest Management: These stink bugs are natural control agents of a variety of plant-feeding insects. They are not sold commercially.





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