Temple Grandin
What do neurologists, cattle and McDonald's have in common? They all owe a great deal to one woman, a renowned animal scientist born with autism, Temple Grandin. Though she didn't utter a word until close to her fourth birthday, substituting screams for phonemes, she splashed onto the stage of public awareness in 1995, thanks to the vivid, sensitive writing of the famed neurologist Oliver Sacks. Little was known about autism at the time except that people so afflicted appeared socially isolated, emotionally fragile and difficult to engage. But as with many psychological disorders, autism is a spectrum, and Temple, 62, is on one edge. Living on this edge has allowed her to be an extraordinary source of inspiration for autistic children, their parents — and all people. She is also a source of hope for another mammal: the cow. Using her unique window into the minds of animals, she has developed corrals for cattle that improve their quality of life by reducing stress. And though the fast-food industry continues to use cattle in its patties, it has come to appreciate the ethics and compassion of a Grandin burger.
Howard's interview with Temple: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheDirtDoctor#p/a/u/1/SYCk4ukQACI
Temple's web site: http://www.templegrandin.com/
Temple Grandin Ph.D
Professor of Animal Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80523, USA
Consultant and designer of livestock handling facilities, Grandin Livestock Handling Systems Inc.
- B.A. (Psychology), Franklin Pierce College, 1970
- M.S. (Animal Science), Arizona State University, 1975
- Ph.D. (Animal Science), University of Illinois, 1989
1984, Meritorious Service, Livestock Conservation Institute (now National Institute of Animal Agriculture)
1990, National Provisioner, Processing Stars of 1990
1990, Who's Who of American Women
1994, Golden Key National Honor Society, Honorary Member
1994, Industry Innovator's Award, Meat Marketing and Technology Magazine
1995, Industry Advancement Award, American Meat Institute
1995, Animal Management Award, American Society of Animal Science
1995, Harry C. Roswell Award, Scientists Center for Animal Welfare
1995, The Brownlee Award for International Leadership in Scientific Publication Promoting Respect for Animals, their Nature and Welfare, Animal Welfare Foundation of Canada, Vancouver, BC
1997, CAS/Miller Com 97 Campus Wide Lecture at the University of Illinois
1997, Profiled in Who's Who in America
1997, Alpha Zeta Centennial Honor Roll
1998, F.W. Presant Memorial Lecture, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada
1998, Forbes Award, National Meat Association
1998, Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation - Humane Ethics in Action, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN
1999, Woman of the Year in Service to Agriculture, Progressive Farmer Magazine
1999, Humane Award, American Veterinary Medical Association
1999, Honary Doctorate, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec
1999, Named as one of the 26 Industry Influentials by Meat Marketing and Technology Magazine
1999, Animal Welfare Award, Animal Transportation Association
1999, Founders Award, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals
2000, Temple Grandin profiled in The New York Times, Scientists at Work, McGraw Hill Books, New York, NY. pp. 48-57. Profile by Anne Raver
2001, Joseph Wood Krutch Medal - The Humane Society of the United States
2001, Knowlton Award for Innovation, Meat Marketing and Technology
2001, Wood Gush Memorial Lecture, International Society of Applied Ethology
2002, Richard L. Knowlton Innovation Award from Meat Marketing and Technology Magazine
2002, British Society of Animal Science, Yorkshire England, Animal Welfare Award Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty in Animals
2002, University of Illinois Alumni Illini Comeback Award. Five distinguished alumni are invited back each year during homecoming. Other comeback Illini for 2002, were an astronaut, university president, the inventor of Microsoft Office, and an administrator of a scholarship program
2003, Western Section American Society of Animal Science
2004, Honorary Doctorate of Science, University of Illinois
2004, President's Award, National Institute of Animal Agriculture
2004, The Beef Top 40: The 40 most influential people in the beef industry. Awarded on the 40th anniversary of Beef Magazine
2004, The Organic Style Magazine's Environmental Power List
2006, Animals in Translation was a Top Science Book of the Year in Discover Magazine, January 2006 p.74
2006, Frank H.T. Rhodes Class of 1956 Visiting Professor at Cornell University
2007, Autism Society of America Founder's Award
2007, Dept. of Health and Humane Services, Secretary's Highest Award, Washington D.C.
2008, Franklin Pierce College, Alumni Association: Leader of Conscience Award
2009, Honorary Doctorate - Swedish University, University of Agricultural Science, Uppsala, Sweden, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Degree in Animal Welfare
2009, Sharp Cleaver Award - Colorado and Wyoming Association of Meat Processors
2009, Meat Industry Hall of Fame, Chicago, Illinois
2009, Headliner Award, Livestock Publications Council, Fort Worth, Texas
2010, Fellow - American Society of Animal Science
2010, Inducted into the National Cowgirl Hall of Fame in Dallas, Texas
2010, Honorary Doctorate, Duke University
2010, Honorary Doctorate, Lakehead University
2010, Colorado Cattlemen's Assocation, Honorary Life Member
2010, National Cattlemen's Beef Association - Lifetime Achievement Award
2010, Oklahoma State University created an endowed professorship in animal behavior in honor of Temple Grandin
- American Society of Animal Science
- American Society of Agricultural Engineers
- American Society of Agricultural Consultants
- American Registry of Professional Animal Scientists
- National Institute of Animal Agriculture (formerly Livestock Conservation Institute)
- Grandin T. 1993-2000, 2007. (Editor). Livestock Handling and Transport, CAB International, Wallingford, Oxon, United Kingdom. 2nd Edition, 2000. 3rd Edition, 2007.
- Titles of chapters written by T. Grandin:
- Introduction: Management and economic factors of handling and transport.
- Behavioral principles of handling cattle and other grazing animals under extensive conditions.
- Handling facilities and restraint of range cattle.
- Handling and welfare of livestock in slaughter plants.
- Titles of chapters written by T. Grandin:
- Grandin, T. 1995. Thinking in Pictures. Vintage Press (Division of Random House), New York, NY.
- Grandin, T. 2000. Beef Cattle Behavior, Handling and Facilities Design. Grandin Livestock Handling Systems Inc., Fort Collins, CO.
- Grandin, T. 1998 (Editor). Genetics and the Behavior of Domestic Animals. Academic Press, San Diego, CA.
- Titles of chapters written by T. Grandin and M. Deesing:
- Behavioral genetics and animal science.
- Genetics and behavior during handling restraint and herding.
- Genetics and animal welfare.
- Titles of chapters written by T. Grandin and M. Deesing:
- Grandin T. and Johnson C., 2005. Animals in Translation. Scribner (Division of Simon and Schuster), New York, NY.
- Grandin T. and Deesing M. 2008. Humane Livestock Handling. Storey Publishing, North Adams, Massachusetts.
- Grandin T. and Johnson C. 2009. Animals Make Us Human. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, New York, NY.
- Cattle Handling Principles to Reduce Stress
- Animal Handling in Meat Plants
- Low Stress Handling of Pigs
- Preventing Behavior Problems in your horse
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