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Tree - Best for Attracting Birds


Here are some of the best trees, shrubs, vines, annuals and perennials for attracting birds and other interesting and helpful animals to the garden:


Tulip tree, oaks, hackberry, service berry, hawthorn, persimmon, deciduous yaupon, crabapple, elderberry, Eastern red cedar, scarlet buckeye, flowering dogwood, magnolia, mulberry, black cherry, rusty blackhaw viburnum, and figs.


American beautyberry, Rough leaf dogwood, abelia, winter honeysuckle, roses, flame bush – winged euonymus, Carolina buckthorn, elaeagnus, hollies, leather leaf mahonia, and Chinese photinia.


Cypress vine, coral vine, cross vine, coral honeysuckle, Virginia creeper, grapes, and Carolina snailseed.


Turk's cap, salvias, lantana, monardas, and chili pequin.


Sunflowers, scarlet sage, polk salat, nasturtium, hibiscus, ixora, and blackberries.





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