Tree Grows 40 Types of Fruit
Art Project Tree Grows 40 Types of Fruit
Tree of 40 Fruit can bear over 40 different types of stone fruits, including peaches, nectarines, apricots and almonds. Syracuse University professor Sam Van Aken has carefully nurtured trees using an ancient technique called “chip grafting." Dozens of these trees have been planted around the U.S.
This tree may not be ideal for your place, but you can have great results with your fruit trees by following my Fruit Tree Program.
Photo credit: Artist's rendering impression of The Tree of 40 Fruit.
Sam Van Aken/Ronald Feldman Fine Art
The process in producing the Tree of 40 Fruit is one of patience. Over several years, Van Aken splices branches with buds of various varieties into a base branch called the “working tree.”
By springtime, the Tree of 40 Fruit sprouts pink and purple blossoms. In the summer, the tree begins to bear fruit of all kinds.
“Part of the idea behind the Tree of 40 Fruit was to plant them in locations that people would stumble upon them,” said Van Aken. You can find out here if a Tree of 40 Fruit is near you. Here is more information from Wikipedia.
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Howard Garrett
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