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It has been several years since we published this little quiz, but it is even more relevant today because we have contact with so many more gardeners across the country. You can find much more natural organic information and recommendations on and the Texas Organic Research Center.
Test your natural organic gardening knowledge and share with your friends to convert them to natural organic gardening.
QUESTIONS: (True or False)
9. You do not need to be concerned about the lawn and garden products that are used around your home.
Truths About Natural Organics Newsletter 2016 Update
It has been several years since we published this little quiz, but it is even more relevant today because we have contact with so many more gardeners across the country. You can find much more natural organic information and recommendations on and the Texas Organic Research Center.
QUESTIONS: (True or False)
1. Most insects are pests and should be eliminated from the garden in order to preserve plant health.
2. Organic gardening is more expensive than going the toxic chemical route.
3. If the USDA or EPA approves a gardening product, then it is safe to use.
4. Natural organic pesticides are non-toxic and basically safe.
5. The average home gardener using a weed killer or insecticide sprays a solution much stronger than products sprayed on agricultural crops.
6. A garden full of bacteria is an unhealthy one.
7. Compost smells bad and attracts pest insects.
8. Organically grown plants and produce tend to have a lot of insect and disease damage.
9. You do not need to be concerned about the lawn and garden products that are used around your home.
1. False. First, you cannot eliminate them all and only a small percentage of insects in the garden will eat plants, bother people or pets and cause problems. Most insects are beneficial and a garden will suffer without their presence.
2. False. Organic gardening saves money. Fertilizing needs to be done less often. Yard waste can be recycled to make compost; healthy plants growing in healthy soil do not need pesticides and herbicides often; and healthy soil requires less watering – as much as 50% less.
3. False. The government agencies do no testing at all. They simply read the reports that come from the manufacturers.
4. True. Natural organic pesticides and other gardening products recommended by the Texas Organic Research Center are safe for use around people, pets and your home.
5. True. Pesticide mixtures per gallon recommended for home gardeners are usually stronger than the mixture recommendations for agricultural growers.
6. False. A healthy garden has rich soil containing bacteria. Bacteria help in many ways, including digesting and converting organic materials into a form that plants can absorb through their roots. Good bacteria also help to keep pathogens in check.
7. False. Compost that is tended properly and provided with good air circulation doesn't smell bad at all. Finished compost has a sweet, earthy smell and doesn’t attract pests.
8. False. A healthy organic garden has vigorous, pest free plants that produce appetizing, attractive and nutritious fruits and vegetables.
9. False. With one in three dogs getting cancer each year, pet owners are joining parents in the quest for environmentally safe backyards, free of toxic chemicals.
To discuss this newsletter or any other topic, tune in each Sunday 8am - 11am central time to the Dirt Doctor Radio Show.The call-in phone number is 1-866-444-3478. Listen on the internet or click here to find a station in your area.
Please share this newsletter with everyone in your address book and all your friends on Facebook and Twitter to help me spread the word on organics.
9. False. With one in three dogs getting cancer each year, pet owners are joining parents in the quest for environmentally safe backyards, free of toxic chemicals.
To discuss this newsletter or any other topic, tune in each Sunday 8am - 11am central time to the Dirt Doctor Radio Show.The call-in phone number is 1-866-444-3478. Listen on the internet or click here to find a station in your area.
Please share this newsletter with everyone in your address book and all your friends on Facebook and Twitter to help me spread the word on organics.
Naturally yours,
Howard Garrett
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